Transformer Oil Lab Testing & Diagnostics
Transformer Oil over time is exposed to Electrical, Chemical & Mechanical stress which causes contamination in oil. When the desired oil properties are reduced it can lead to power outages. So to maintain & extend the life of the Transformer Asset and to avoid severe breakdown, regular testing of the transformer oil is very important.
The transformer oil testing is done under the guideliens of IS 1866. The following test are conducted : |
We provide On-Site Oil Sample Collection Service. Just as a blood test provides a medical doctor with a extensive information about the patients health, similarly a sample of transformer oil, if taken correctly, can tell the transformer doctors a great deal about the transformer's condition. AEIL Sampling team have been trained in the strict routines needed to obtain a clean sample in accordance to IS 1866 .
The General & Physical tests are suggested to be conducted twice a Year, dissolved gas analysis testing once a year, and Furan analysis testing every 2 years for transformers which have been in operation for at least 5 years.
Contact AEIL to know your Transformer's health through transformer oil analysis.
Asian Electrotech Industries LLP
Since 1996, Asian Electrotech Industries LLP has been serving the Indian Power Sector. With more than 25 years in the industry, AEIL has the technical expertise in erection, testing, commissioning & maintenance of electrical substation up to 66KV.